Our Services

What we Do Best
Wondering how Paul Langille can help with your case? As a trucking and crane safety expert with 45+ years of experience, he can help you to understand and interpret important technical issues at every stage in the process. His work with attorneys commonly includes some or all of the following:

Case Consultations

If you are wondering whether a client’s case has merits, or which safety guidelines apply to a specific situation or procedure, Paul may be able to help you find the relevant facts before any legal proceedings begin.

Paul is currently available to consult with attorneys across the country for cases involving trucking accidents, construction site injuries, and other related claims. If you are in the process of gathering information and opinions, his insights could be invaluable.

Paul Langille Expert Witness Consulting

Written Opinion

Once your claim moves forward, you’ll need an expert witness who can provide depositions related to the facts and guidelines at hand. Paul can provide these remotely or at a location that is convenient for you.

While depositions may be brief or detailed, the one constant is that they all require the relevant experience, credentials, and patience to give responses that are clear and detailed at the same time. When you know the facts are on your side, Paul can help add weight to your argument.

In-Court Expert Testimony

In situations where no pre-trial settlements are possible, the outcome of your case could focus on testimony from an expert witness. This is another area where Paul can help bring important facts and safety practices to light.

If you need an experienced authority to speak about commercial vehicle safety, the proper operation of construction equipment, OSHA guidelines, and other technical topics, Paul is ready to help.

Courtoom testimony
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